01 Mar 5 Tips To Keep Your Car Roadworthy For As Long As Possible
Roadworthy Tyres
If your tyres are getting old and worn, your car will be less safe to drive and will end up costing you more to run. An obvious sign that your tyres are too worn, are if the tread depth is less than 1.5mm or if the actual tyre is cracked. It is also important that you check that your tyres are properly inflated; this will lead to a smoother ride and better gas mileage.
Top Up The Fluids
Every so often, lift your car bonnet and check your brake, coolant and windscreen wash fluid levels. If you’re not sure which level they’re supposed to be filled to, check with your mechanic who can help you top your fluids to the correct level. If you spot any leaks whilst doing your checks then your engine and brakes are at risk of making your car unsafe to drive. It’s a little know fact that keeping fresh oil and other fluids in your car can help avoid larger problems in the long term.
Exhaust Leaks
If you notice a lot of noise suddenly coming from your exhaust, then it could be a leak. A leaky exhaust could lead you to fail your MOT and cause even bigger engine problems. To save money and to make your car run smoothly, get a mechanic to check your exhaust if you suspect that there’s something wrong with it.
Change The Air Filter
If you have an older car then it is important to change the passenger compartment air filter, which keeps dust and air pollutants from reaching passengers inside. The air filter catches dust, pollen & other airborne material that can make your car ride unpleasant.
Protect your windscreen
Even though you might not live in an area prone to bad weather conditions, you need to make sure your windscreen is as clean as possible at all times. Check that your windscreen wipers are in good condition and replace them with new ones if they’re not cleaning your windscreen properly. A clean windscreen is vital when it comes to seeing clearly and lowering your risk of accidents.